
New Projects and Unchanging Values. Summing Up the Results of 2022

2022-12-30 16:05 Spark Lab Star Team Sinet Sakhawood Anti-dust program Landfill fires
Since the first days of work, Sinet Spark has had one goal — to improve the quality of life worldwide. After starting with small development programs, the foundation has moved on to truly large-scale projects. Our team is constantly growing, and we are always busy looking for and generating new, creative ideas for the benefit of humanity. This year has been no exception. We have developed and successfully implemented several really cool and promising cases, as well as refined and improved our previous projects. But let's go over everything step by step. 

Star Team ends the year on a high note!

Star Team is a nonprofit program that prepares talented school students for enrolling in the world's top universities. It has been an incredibly busy year for the first batch of students. The kids have done well on the international SAT and IELTS exams and have begun applying early action. Some have already received their first offers from the universities of their dreams! In the fall, we selected finalists to participate in the second Star Team season.  

You can do more than just live "under the dome"

Sinet Spark and the North-Eastern Federal University started their experiment with dome technology in the harsh Yakutian climate in 2019 by building a facility in the suburbs of Yakutsk. Even before the results were announced, it was decided to continue the experiment in a different format. This summer, we started building a domed children's sports playground in the village of Oktemtsy. The project is now in its final stages, and the locals are looking forward to visiting the unique public space. 

Urban beautification gets a green light! 

Last year, we initiated an experimental beautification project in the region's capital. Our partners planted greenery on Petra Alekseeva Street using different agricultural technologies. The most successful planting and care method will be offered to Yakutsk's district administration for further use. This year, several necessary surveys have been performed at the site, along with intermediate lawn mowing. The Arctic State Agrotechnological University has used the obtained data and the foundation's financial support to design an innovative instructional guide to urban landscaping and beautification. 

On guard for clean air

Fires that regularly occur at the Yakutsk landfill have become a major problem that worsens the citizens' quality of life. The smoke produced during the fires contains several toxic substances that harm health. That's why Sinet Spark installed a 30-meter monitoring tower with thermal imaging equipment in 2021 as part of the Landfill Fires project. The system is already delivering measurable results: in September, sensors detected excessive temperature at one of the landfill sites, thanks to which the hot spot was detected in time and promptly eliminated. 

More high-profile premieres

This year, the traditional Sinet Sakhwood grant competition was announced on Russian Cinema Day on August 27. As a result, we have selected seven winners who will receive grants for their films. Here are the names of their projects again: 
  • Speed Star (RUB 1 million) 
  • Tiit (RUB 2.5 million)
  • Lullaby (RUB 750,000)
  • Tymnyy Oҕuha (RUB 2.5 million)
  • YT. Part Two (RUB 1 million)
  • Cholbon: The Heart of Yakut Rock (RUB 750,000)
  • Winter River (RUB 500,000)

The winners are Ayaal Adamov, Stepan Burnashev, Dmitriy Davydov, Aleksandr Okhlopkov, Sergey Potapov, and Kyyaara Yumshanova. Some of them have previously received grants from Sakhwood, so they have more responsibility. We wish the film crews the highest marks at movie festivals and look forward to seeing their works on the big screen!

Spark Lab continues to build on the ideas of the first season

The student laboratory projects are keeping in step with Sinet Spark's large-scale programs. The second season features six projects and 64 students. Let's look at each project in more detail. 

Forest fires
This year, the main focus is to create software for short-term forecasting of active forest fires. According to the project authors, the predictive model will allow specialists to efficiently distribute forces and resources when fighting fires and take preventive measures to ensure the safety of the population and infrastructure.  

Stray dogs
Launched this year, the new project aims to monitor the population of stray animals using neural networks. It proposes using urban surveillance cameras to identify large packs of dogs, track their movements, and promptly alert animal control services. 

This is probably Spark Lab's most delicious project. Its main goal is to establish year-round cultivation of strawberries in Yakutia, increase their survival rate in the harsh northern climate, and increase yields. Such technology would reduce the cost of strawberries, which is especially important for Yakutsk, where a kilogram costs RUB 1,500 and more, and the quality does not always match the price.

Recycling PET bottles into graphene
As part of the recycling project, the members of the Spark Lab team plan to create a laboratory installation to recycle PET bottles into one of the most revolutionary materials of our time — graphene. The students plan to get the "material of the future" by assembling two types of installations: 
  • For microwave production of graphene.
  • For obtaining graphene using high-power-density current.
At the end of the project, the participants will evaluate the effectiveness of each method and formulate a plan for creating a commercial installation. 

One of the student laboratory's primary projects aims to develop an application for reporting road bumps. The idea is that the application will use the accelerometer data available in almost every smartphone. A website where you can follow the project is already up and running: 

Yakutsk's unified GIS portal
Thanks to the students involved in this project, citizens will be able to view and evaluate roadways for ease of travel. The project involves the creation of a single portal with complete geographic information on the city. The main goal is to identify types of road surfaces and bumps and investigate roadside infrastructure. The first quadcopter aerial survey flights for test analyses have already taken place. 

Of course, we still have to carefully analyze the results of 2022 and draw adequate conclusions. But even now, looking at the results, we can confidently say that we are moving in the right direction. New achievements and high points lie ahead! The team behind the Sinet Spark design organization and the Spark Lab student laboratory members wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!