
In 2021, the non-profit project foundation Sinet Spark will spend more than 250 million rubles on the development of projects related to Yakutia. Created in the spring of 2021, the non-profit project

2021-08-04 12:00
In 2021, the non-profit project foundation Sinet Spark will spend more than 250 million rubles on the development of projects related to Yakutia.

Created in the spring of 2021, the non-profit project fund Sinet Spark began systematic work on 20 programs for the development of Yakutia and the world.

Some of the programs have been running for several years in one form or another, but most of them are completely new. Sinet Spark relies on new technologies and high-tech solutions that can help improve the quality of life of people in the coldest inhabited region of the world — Yakutia.

It is difficult to find the second such place in the world where a number of factors that complicate the life of the population are combined. This is not only an extreme climate, but also remoteness from world centers, vast and sparsely populated territories, undeveloped infrastructure, lack of non-primary production, dependence of the regional economy on mineral resources, and growing negative impact of global warming in the form of forest fires and permafrost melting. All this poses very serious challenges to Yakutia.

The areas of work of Sinet Spark include: educational programs, support for Yakut IT, cinema and art, countering forest fires, problems of dustiness and quality of roads in Yakutsk, landfill burning, providing the population with fresh vegetables and fruits, melting permafrost, and other topical issues.

In 2021, the budget of Sinet Spark will amount to more than 250 million rubles. In the next three to four years, it is planned to double the budget size annually. As it reaches large sums, the activities of Sinet Spark will expand to Russia and the world. For example, if effective solutions for forest fires are found, they can be applied in many other countries where this problem is also relevant.

Arsen Tomsky, founder of Sinet Spark:

I am very pleased to present Sinet Spark - a project that me and the team have been dreaming about for many years. We hope that in the coming years, within its framework, we will do absolutely unique and big things that will change the lives of a large number of Yakutia residents and people in other parts of the world for the better. I want to thank the Sinet Spark team headed by Elena Sergucheva and Aleksandra Kozulina for a well-coordinated start of work.
I also want to note that I am engaged in the development of Yakutia not because I am a patriot or a kind, helping philanthropist. It just so happened that this is my homeland, and it is important and interesting for me to develop this part of the world. We have achieved everything ourselves and do not owe anything to anyone. Besides the fact that this is interesting to us and is a source of internal strength, we are paving the way for other Yakut IT companies to follow, who also intend to help their homeland, regardless of their location.
All Sinet Spark programs are fully funded from private, non-governmental sources - donations from me, my friends, and the team. This will be a significant addition to the hundreds of millions of rubles of taxes that we generate annually in the republic. In its work, Sinet Spark is based on the mission and values of Sinet Vision. Good luck to us all!