
Public activists will seek to re-lay asphalt on two streets of Yakutsk

2019-12-09 12:00 Roads on permafrost
We shall recall that the editorial News.Ykt.Ru conducted an independent examination of freshly laid asphalt in Yakutsk. And about two streets, that are Tchaikovsky street and Larionov street, there were questions about the quality of the laying technology. 

"We need to achieve asphalt paving and redesign in part of the segment on Larionov Street," said Anton Zhondorov, head of the public commission for the Safe and High-Quality Roads program. 

On the day of the publication of the material on the results of an independent asphalt examination, the mayor of Yakutsk Sardana Avksentieva called social activists and contractors. Later, she reported on the social network:

- This year, for the first time, we signed a contract for laboratory tests of asphalt with Yakutsk Design Research Institute of Construction, an accredited and licensed organization. Yakutsk "All-Russian popular front" represented by Anton Zhondorov and Alexey Laptev also actively worked. 
Today News.Ykt.Ru website published their report on laboratory studies of three of the renovated streets. On two streets, Tchaikovsky street and Larionov street (contractor "Sakhatrasstroy") - experts from Moscow laboratory detected deviations from the norm in the cores taken. It was not a surprise for us, we were ready for this. Therefore, today we held a meeting with the participation of the relevant structures of the Mayor's office, the contractor, representatives of Yakutsk Design Research Institute of Construction, Russian Road research Institute, NEFU Road Institute. 

Conclusions based on the results of laboratory studies of the same objects, made earlier by our order of Yakutsk Design Research Institute of Construction, coincide or are very close to the data published in today's article. 
It is important that work on these and some other streets has not been accepted and paid for.
To verify the results, we will conduct an additional core sampling. Specialists should determine whether the defect is local in nature or whether it is a large section of road. Next, the technical council will decide how to eliminate defects: removing and replacing the top layer of asphalt, tamping with a heavier roller or applying an additional protective layer of asphalt - and of course, we are talking about next summer. All completed works have a warranty period, from 4 to 8 years. But in order for the guarantee to work and the contractor to eliminate the comments at his own expense, they must be legally properly executed. This is what we are doing now, and thanks to the public figures for their independent expertise, it was very useful. Not a single budget ruble will be paid until we are convinced of the right decision! We have doubts about three other streets, and we will wait for the verdict of the technical council, which is studying laboratory data.

After the meeting, the mayor asked NEFU specialists to recheck the section of Larionov street where a layer of about 6 centimeters was detected. According to the contractor, it was the adjacent territory (in the main photo, the core is highlighted with a red circle - editorial note) and the core is not inside the road lane. MCU "Glavstroy" provided the approved project to the specialists.

As the measurements with the help of a trusted tape measure showed, the core is located inside the road lane. However, according to the project, the lane is classified as a transitional-high-speed one.

The transition-speed lane is marked with a sketch with dotted lines. Arrows indicate the direction of the lanes

Anton Zhondorov, head of the public commission for the program "Safe and high-quality roads":

- As we were informed in the MCU "Glavstroy", during the design of this segment, "high-altitude marks were not beaten", so it was decided to partially make the lane transitional-high-speed, which provides for a layer 5 centimeters thick. The contractor in this case did everything according to the project. 
Transitional-high-speed lanes are designed on category I-IV roads in the locations of bus stops, recreation areas, as well as road service complexes, when many objects are connected together.
In addition to the main lanes of the carriageway in the area of intersections and junctions, transitional high-speed lanes for braking and acceleration should be designed to increase capacity, eliminate traffic interference in the main directions, improve the organization of car traffic, increase safety and convenience of movement, as well as reduce time loss when driving along them.

In fact, we see that this segment is the only lane towards the embankment and all three lanes are equivalent. Usually transitional-high-speed lanes are used as additional ones, but in our case it is one. This is not an exit, not an abutment, but a full-fledged lane for traffic. 

It turns out that two strips in the direction of 203 microdistrict are put in two layers 12 cm thick, and one strip in the direction of 202 microdistrict is put in one layer 5 cm thick. We believe that the project needs to be finalized so that the residents of Yakutsk eventually get really high-quality roads that will last for decades.

As for the quality of laying on the Larionov street and Tchaikovsky street, according to our information, the contractor has asked for an examination and based on its results, the issue of whether the identified shortcomings are local or not will be resolved.