
Sinet Spark launches a new project YaBlogger

2020-12-05 12:00 YaBlogger
Since the beginning of 2021, more than 40 Yakutian bloggers with the support of Sinet Spark will have the opportunity to take training courses for the development of their projects — YouTube courses from the famous Russian blogger Marina Mogilko and Rising SMM from Median School. As a result of the acceleration program, eight bloggers who presented the most interesting and promising projects will receive financial support for their development.

Sinet Spark has launched a new YaBlogger project (shortened from “Yakutian Blogger”) to support Yakutian bloggers in reaching Russian and foreign audiences in order to stimulate this branch of the creative economy in the region. After all, even one successful millionaire blogger can generate millions of dollars in revenue, create dozens of jobs, pay taxes and through all this develop and stimulate the local economy. An additional effect will be the popularization of Yakutia in the world, its unique culture and nature, which will stimulate the development of inbound tourism.