
Sinet Spark launches series of webinars on topic of stuttering

2021-08-10 12:00 Neurodiversity
According to statistics, more than 1% of the adult population suffers from stuttering, the prevalence of the disease in children is around 5%. Pathology causes problems in daily communication, provokes complexes, and therefore can adversely affect professional career, studies, and even personal life.

Arsen Tomsky, founder of Sinet Spark: "I have been stuttering since I was four or five years old and I know how embarrassing, painful and humiliating it is not to be able to utter a word while standing in front of your classmates. However, this speech feature did not prevent me from achieving my life goals. But there are millions of other children and adults with stuttering, and this problem seriously interferes with their studies, career, and personal life. We will make every effort to help the emergence and distribution of new effective solutions and technologies in this area."

Sinet Spark, within the framework of its program "Problems of stuttering", is engaged in the search and testing of speech techniques, social adaptation, and methods of treatment of stuttering. Yakutsk Stuttering community has been created (telegram group:, regular video calls of support groups are held, new speech techniques and technologies are studied, experience is exchanged. Contacts are being established with the world's leading research groups studying stuttering, and grant support is being provided for their work. At the beginning of 2021, a startup Fluenta.AI, developing technology to help people with stuttering based on machine learning, was launched in Moscow. Sinet Spark initiated the creation of this company and acts as its investor.

Sinet Spark specialists conducted a review of modern Russian and world methods of stuttering treatment and speech techniques, which revealed a number of effective ones. Many modern methods are aimed not only at healing, but also at helping people learn to minimize stuttering when they speak. For example, speak more slowly, adjusting your breathing or gradually moving from monosyllabic answers to longer words and sentences. Most of these treatments also help to cope with the anxiety that a stuttering person may experience in certain communication situations.

According to the results of the study, Sinet Spark launches a series of webinars on various methods of overcoming stuttering. The first in the queue will be respiratory gymnastics based on the method of A.N. Strelnikova.

On August 11 at 10 PM Sinet Spark will hold a free webinar "Breathing exercises based on the method of A.N. Strelnikova for overcoming stuttering" with Moscow specialist Mikhail Shchetinin.

The webinar will tell and show how to develop new skills for smooth speech with the help of special breathing exercises. Strelnikova's technique is aimed at restoring breathing during stuttering, and also helps to eliminate other speech disorders (dyslalia, alalia, general speech underdevelopment).

The speaker is the doctor of the Respiratory Gymnastics Center of A.N. Strelnikova, a specialist in respiratory gymnastics, winner of the prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation", author of many books on respiratory gymnastics Mikhail Shchetinin.

We invite speech therapists, speech pathologists, preschool and school teachers, as well as people with stuttering or logoneurosis to take part in the webinar.

Date: August 11, 2021.
Time: 10 PM (Yakutsk time), 4 PM (Moscow time).
Platform: Zoom. Pre-registration is required.
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