
Enrolling in Harvard, Sorbonne and Oxford: Star Team begins training of capable and motivated high school students from Yakutia to enter the top universities of the world

2021-08-23 12:00 Star Team
Star Team is a non-profit educational project of Sinet Spark aimed at preparing capable students of Yakutia for entering the leading universities of the world. The main goal of the program is to train a new generation of modern and enlightened leaders focused on making a positive contribution to the peace and development of Yakutia, regardless of their place of residence and work in the future.

The first selection of 10 participants of the program was made in 2019 from among the students of the best schools in Yakutsk. The list of kids and the news of the program can be found on the website

During the implementation of the program and a more detailed understanding of the work of top universities, Star Team changed the format of the event. This year the program will be as follows:

  • August-September 2021: additional enrollment of program participants from among students of grades 9 and 10 of schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (as of September 2021).

  • The winter of 2021-2022: an intensive cycle of online workshops for admission to the world's leading universities. Experts from various fields will speak to the participants and tell them about the key aspects of preparing for admission to educational institutions of this level. Students who have already completed the entire training cycle and successfully enrolled in them will also share their experiences.

  • Summer 2022: a competitive selection of seven finalists will be held from among the participants of the program. Seven people will also be selected from the current 10 participants of the Star Team. The final 14 finalists will undergo a compressed intensive bootcamp training.

After preparation, the experienced experts will help them apply for admission to the top 50 universities, the list of which will be determined later (a preliminary list is available here). In case of successful enrollment in one of the universities, Sinet Spark will provide the finalists with grants for full tuition. The cost of tuition per student at universities of this level reaches up to 100 thousand dollars per year. Thus, in order to pay for the flow of about 15-20 students per year, Sinet Spark will need to create a grant fund of a very large size. In the future, the founder of Sinet Spark, Arsen Tomsky, intends to create a private endowment fund, the proceeds of which will pay for the training of talented children through the Star Team program for many years.

Star Team starts to accept the new participants. To participate in the program, it is necessary to fill out the following questionnaire by September 7, 2021, where it is necessary to specify:

  • the name of the student;
  • place of residence, (city, town, village), only the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
  • name of the school, class;
  • parents' contact phone number and e-mail;
  • scan of school grades for 2019-2022;
  • a scan of the official letter of recommendation from the principal or a head teacher of the school on the letterhead of the school.

In addition to basic information, in the text of the letter it is necessary to indicate, if there are any, the student's achievements in studies and Olympiads, his social activity and sports achievements.

The list of selected participants of the Star Team program will be approved by September 10. The services of invited experts and leading workshops are paid for by Sinet Spark, the workshops are free for kids and their families. The results of the selection will be reported by contact e-mail or phone. We are waiting for you in the Star Team!