
You are a university student and want to change the world? Join Spark Lab project! We receive applications until February, 20

2022-02-07 14:23 Spark Lab
A unique educational project Spark Lab launched in Yakutsk, in which students of the universities of our city can carry out their bold innovative ideas and get practical experience. 

What is Spark Lab

Spark Lab is a new pilot project of the non-profit organization “Sinet Spark” known by people of Yakutia for their programs of developing the city environment.

Spark Lab’s mission is to involve motivated and capable young people in the “Sinet Spark” projects, so that they could gain advanced knowledge and skills, develop and test new technologies and solutions to improve life in the region.

Ten educational and project laboratories of Spark Lab will work in the following areas:

  • Clean air
  • Roads of the city
  • Comfortable house
  • Transport technologies
  • High quality groceries
  • EdTech
  • Stray dogs
  • Forest fires
  • Permafrost thaw
  • Comfortable clothes

One of the main and most important features of Spark Lab is that Russian and world-class experts (Advisors and Researchers) in the relevant field will be involved in the work of each laboratory. The laboratories will be managed by team leaders from among the most experienced managers of Sinet Spark.

What exactly students will be doing in the laboratories

One of the problems of the “classical” format of education is that in many subjects students mostly gain theoretical knowledge from the textbooks, but cannot support their knowledge with practical experience to the required extent. However, in Spark Lab the participants of the program will carry out experiments and develop innovative technologies with the use of modern equipment.

For example, in the “Clean air” lab the students will work on implementing effective technology of improving the air quality in the atmosphere and premises, creating a system of monitoring its state. In the “Roads of the city” lab the participants will be engaged in research that will improve the condition of roads in Yakutsk.

After the completion of the training, the students will have basic knowledge of conducting project activities, experience with design and technological documentation and various computer programs, practical skills in technology development and testing. And of course, they will have unforgettable impressions of interaction and development in the team of professionals

How to become a participant of the Spark Lab project

A participant of the Spark Lab project can be any student of the universities of Yakutsk, both full-time and part-time.

To participate one needs to fill in the application form and write a short essay (up to 1000 characters). The collection of applications takes place until February, 20, and on February, 21 the laboratories will start working. If you have any questions, you can send an e-mail to

Join the “Sinet Spark” team and we will change the world for the better!

Sourse: News.Ykt.Ru