
Yakut film Private Cheerin trends on YouTube. Film available to watch for free

2021-10-12 12:00 Sinet Sakhawood
The war film Private Cheerin, based on the story of the Yakut writer Timofey Smetanin, is posted on the YouTube channel Watch - Russian Cinema.

Now the Yakut film is available to watch for free.

In the first five days, the film managed to gain more than 1.6 million views on YouTube. Watch - Russian Cinema is a YouTube channel with licensed content and all supporting documents.

The plot of the film revolves around a young hunter Egor Cheerin, who just arrived at the front and immediately became a sniper. In the first battle, he manages to prove himself, engages in a fight with the German invaders, and changes the balance of power on the front line.

It should be noted that "Private Cheerin" was filmed with the support of Sinet Sakhawood.

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