
Ksenia Sobchak on Yakut film “Scarecrow”: “The director's story is fantastic"

2021-02-15 12:00 Sinet Sakhawood
Before the special screening of the film "Scarecrow" in the Oktyabr Cinema in Moscow, a journalist and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak wrote a post about the director from Yakutia Dmitry Davydov, where she admired his talent and was surprised at the film budget.

She admitted that she watched the premiere of the excellent film back in the summer at Kinotavr.

“Yakut cinema in general is currently in its heyday. It is really interesting! The director's story is fantastic! Dmitry Davydov is a teacher from the village of Amga, who, without interrupting his work at school, makes films in the Yakut language. He has been shooting short films with students for 17 years, and his own feature-length films since 2014. He has to sponsor his work himself: Davydov took out loans to shoot his debut film "Bonfire", and then "There is no God but me". The first two films also participated in film festivals, but Dmitry's real success came with the film "Scarecrow", the budget of which was only 1.5 million rubles. It was entirely at his own expense. Davydov says that the picture was shot in ten shifts, all the objects are real: the hospital, streets, and most importantly - people. According to him, the success of the film is the success of the entire regional cinema, and if the regions are supported, then Russian cinema will become better.”

The film will be released on February 25 in Yakutia and in all cinemas of Russia. It should be reminded that in 2019 Dmitry Davydov received a grant from the Yakut cinema support fund Sinet Sakhawood to shoot the film "Scarecrow".

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