
The “Scarecrow” film, supported by Sinet Sakhawood in 2019, won the Grand Prix of the Kinotavr 2020 Festival!

2020-09-20 12:00 Sinet Sakhawood
The Grand Prix of the Russian film Festival "Kinotavr" was awarded to Dmitry Davydov's Yakut film "Scarecrow", the award ceremony took place at the Winter Theater in Sochi on Friday, RIA Novosti correspondent reports. The performer of the main role, Valentina Romanova - Chyskyrai, received the prize for the best female role. The film was shot with the support of the Sinet Sakhawood Foundation.

Yakutian mystical drama "Scarecrow" by Dmitry Davydov received the main prize of the Russian film festival "Kinotavr" and was awarded for the best female role. RIA Novosti publishes the opinions of film critics about the film.

"The amazing inspiration of the actors and director, the generosity of talent that flows from these people — this is the "Yakutian miracle" that we have been shouting about for three years! It's great that after the "Kinotavr" it will be possible not to shout anymore," film critic Egor Moskvitin shared with RIA Novosti immediately after the closing ceremony. Critic Veronika Skurikhina called "Scarecrow" a wonderful film "with a filigree direction, a sustained high-quality plot from beginning to end, in which the authenticity of the Yakutian village is preserved."

Efim Gugnin considers the painting curious and well done. "It's good that we, in the European part of Russia, have finally begun to notice the original Yakutian cinema at the festival level — with its interweaving of ethnic plots and purely genre narrative constructions," he said.

The main character of "Scarecrow" is a hermit witch (Valentina Romanova -Chyskyray, this is her film debut). The villagers shun her, but at night they come with a request to help to get rid of diseases. The healer knows that her healing gift will one day ruin her, but she continues to do good deeds.