
First of ten: Sinet Spark opens new playground on Richard Sorge Street in Yakutsk

2021-07-26 12:00 Playgrounds in Yakutsk
On July 25, the Industrial District of Yakutsk hosted the opening of a playground at Richard Sorge, 7/2.

On the initiative and at private expense of Sinet Spark and inDriver, equipment will be supplied to ten playgrounds in Yakutsk this year. The project is being implemented with the participation of the city administration.

"This year, together with inDriver, we are giving the city ten different modern playgrounds. Special attention is paid to the remote areas with an acute shortage of open spaces. In August and September, it is planned to open seven more playgrounds in the stone foundation and two in the wooden one. Playgrounds will be of different types and from different suppliers — this is a test of the best constructions for the conditions of Yakutsk. We will see which playgrounds are best suited for our climate, and we will install them in the future," said Alexandra Kozulina, head of Sinet Spark.

The previous playground on Richard Sorge Street was located near the outdoor toilet.

"We were told that there were no miracles. There used to be garages and garbage in this place. But a miracle happened anyway! We are all very glad that such a wonderful playground has been built in a short time. The children are extremely happy, they have been waiting for this so much," said the head of the Industrial District Elizaveta Sluzhenikina.

At the opening party, the local elections of the playground caretaker among children were also announced. The children gladly accepted this challenge and said that they were already maintaining order and cleanliness on the playground.

"We are all very happy that we have a new playground, we especially like the big swing and spider web. We make sure that no one litters," the children shared their impressions.

The following new playgrounds will soon appear at the following addresses:
- Voinskaya, 1;
- Avtodorozhnaya, 40/7;
- Ptitsefabrika, 10;
- Chernyshevskogo, 4/1;
- Ammosova, 4;
- 50 let Sovetskoy Armii, 23/2;
- Lermontova, 25/2;
- Chelyuskina, 37/4;
- Melioratorov, 6 (6/1).