
Sinet Spark allocated 2 million rubles for the development of the Pleistocene Park

2021-12-03 12:00 Permafrost
As part of its activities in finding solutions and answers to global challenges, such as climate change and environmental conservation, Sinet Spark Foundation decided to provide assistance to the Pleistocene Park located in the village of Chersky, Nizhnekolymsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and allocated an amount of 2 million rubles for its development.

Using these funds, the park plans to purchase snowmobile equipment, which is necessary for the life support of the Park in the conditions of the harsh Arctic winter.

We should recall that the second batch of bison from the Danish nursery was delivered to the Pleistocene Park in September this year.

Reference: Pleistocene Park is a scientific project founded by scientist Sergey Zimov in the village of Chersky, Nizhnekolymsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Permafrost, climate change and human influence on natural processes are being studied on the territory of this reserve. Today, reindeer, moose, Kalmyk cows, Yakut horses, yaks, bison, sheep, goats, bulls and even camels live in the park. The latter, along with downy goats, were brought from Mongolia this year. There is also a large colony of swallows living at the station.

The idea of the Pleistocene Park is to reverse the transformation of the ecosystem that occurred 10 thousand years ago. Restoration of pasture ecosystems is believed to have a cooling effect on the climate.
