
The project of the antenna-mast structure has been formed

2021-06-15 12:00 Landfill fires
As part of the implementation of the Landfill Burning project, a project of an antenna-mast structure (AMS) was agreed upon, which will be located near the Yakutsk landfill.

The AMS consists of 10 sections 3 meters long, made of hot-rolled steel equal-field corners (steel grade C235), the total weight of the structure is 1250 kg. At the level of 27, 18, 9 meters, cables from loads from 2 blocks of FBS 24.4.6 with a total weight of 2600 kg are fixed to the AMS belts. The foundation of the AMS is a concrete block of the size 1500*1500*500 mm.

Anti-corrosion protection of structures is made according to GOST 23118-2012 in accordance with the requirements of SP 28.13330.2012 "Protection of building structures from corrosion".
The antenna-mast structure (AMS) with a height of 30 meters is designed to install equipment with a maximum weight of up to 300 kg.

The project was developed in accordance with the current norms and rules for construction in the city of Yakutsk of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the following characteristics of the climatic region:
- the temperature of the coldest days with a security of 0.98 - minus 57 ° C;
- estimated snow load (II district) - 1.0 kPa;
- standard wind pressure (II district) - 0.3 kPa;
- ice wall thickness (I area) - 3 mm;
- seismicity — 6 points on the map In OSR-2016 terrain type A.

The development of the AMS design was carried out in accordance with:
- Labor protection rules R O-45-010-2002 Rules on labor protection when working on radio relay communication lines;
- Set of rules 20.13330.2016 Loads and impacts;
- Set of rules 16.13330.2017 Steel structures;
- Set of rules 76.13330.2016 Building codes and regulations.

A monitoring system for early fires at the landfill will be located at a height of 30 meters. The equipment is a high-resolution video and thermal imaging camera. The height of the AMS allows you to cover the entire territory of the landfill, taking into account the presence of a rotary mechanism in the surveillance system.