
Following the garbage tracks in the forest. Employees of the project "No Garbage" will send the information on landfills in the outskirts of Yakutsk to the prosecutor's office

2021-07-08 12:00 Garbage.No
Sinet Spark plans to combat the appearance of unauthorized landfills in the outskirts of Yakutsk.

"Since May, our team has been regularly detecting and removing unauthorized landfills from forests in the outskirts of Yakutsk. We started with the Vilyuysky tract, mostly cleaning up along the roads. Periodically we hold community clean-ups with the involvement of citizens of the city," says an employee of Sinet Spark, curator of the project "No.Garbage" Sergey Sivtsev.

In total, during the work of the project "No.Garbage" more than 2,329 cubic meters of garbage were removed.

In addition to heaps of household garbage, which origins are difficult to determine, there are often landfills, looking at the content of which one can easily determine lawbreakers.

A couple of such points were found in the beginning of June on the 12th kilometer of the Vilyuysky tract, a little further from the city landfill. During the cleaning, in addition to food packages, vegetable residues, a tape with price tags-stickers of an entrepreneur Imanaliev was found.

On the same kilometer of the highway "Vilyuy" during the clearing, the team of the project "No Garbage," came across another unauthorized landfill, where, among other household waste, there were car seat covers and car mats. Also, stacks of discount cards of the “Moidodyr” car wash were found in the trash.

News.Ykt.Ru workers found out that the car wash is no longer working.

"The car wash had been rented, now it is closed, we are having repairs at the moment. Unfortunately, there is no connection with this company, apparently, they changed their phones. We don't know with which company they had a garbage collection agreement. We have an agreement with the regional operator “Yakutskekoseti”. We were surprised with this news. Of course, we are happy for the cleanliness of the environment, so we are ready to go there and clean up the landfill," the management of the “Moidodyr” company explained.

As Sergey Sivtsev clarified, the garbage has been cleaned up.

However, it wasn't clean here for long. The next day, an employee of Sinet Spark came to the same place to take photos of the result of the work, and was surprised to find a new landfill. A book of a member of the Order of Lenin of the Consumer Cooperation of the USSR, one of the residents of the village of Oktemtsy, was found in a pile of household garbage alongside clothes.

On the same day, June 7, the project team came across another mountain of garbage at the exit from the 17th kilometer of the Vilyuysky tract. In addition to a pile of wooden boards, glass and plastic bottles, aluminum cans, a piece of the banner of the “Fusion studio” of the Center for Contemporary Art was found here.

"Hello" from 2017

On June 19, people who were having some rest in the forest found another polluted location, and then they shared the coordinates of the location with Sinet Spark company. At the place, which, by the way, is not so easy to get to, homemade fortifications were found, consisting of information stands of the Employment Center, attached to pallets with screws.

There was also a pile of boxes that seemed to have just arrived from the airport. Inside there was a whole batch of the drug "Ketorolac". According to the instructions, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced analgesic effect, which is used for severe and moderate pain syndromes, including during the postpartum and postoperative period, as well as for oncological diseases. It can be bought in pharmacies strictly by prescription.

By the way, on the package there was an expiry date, the drug was released in October 2018. Probably because of the expiry, the owners decided to get rid of these drugs, however, they chose an illegal method for that.

There is a separate order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the procedure for the destruction of medicines that have become unusable or expired.

According to the law "On the Turnover of Medicines", the sale of expired drugs is prohibited by law. In terms of the level of harmfulness, expired medicines are regarded as hazardous waste. They must be withdrawn from circulation and disposed of. The destruction of medicines must take place in accordance with all legal requirements, including environmental protection. For example, some types of tablets are destroyed by incineration, while an act is drawn up in which, in addition to the date and place of destruction, the data of the persons who took part in it, the basis for disposal and information about the amount of the product are indicated.

According to the number of the cargo waybill on the website of the Domodedovo-Cargo carrier, News.Ykt.Ru found out that this cargo weighing 142.5 kg arrived in Yakutsk from Moscow on July 24, 2017.

The editorial office News.Ykt.Ru has sent a request on this matter, the response from the cargo company has not yet been received.

All materials gathered by the project team "No.Garbage" will be sent to the Yakutsk Environmental Prosecutor's Office for further investigation.

As it was noted by the representative of Sinet Spark, in the future it is planned to explore new locations in the outskirts of Yakutsk for unauthorized landfills.

"Now we are removing garbage from the Khatyng-Yuryakh hill. It is noticeable that mostly old garbage was left in the forest near the gas processing plant, since the road in this area was closed recently," he said.