
Administration of Kobyai district expresses gratitude to Sinet Spark for contribution to fight against forest fires

2021-09-24 12:00 Forest Fires
Sinet Spark received a letter from the administration of the Kobyai district, in which the acting chief specialist of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in the Kobyai district, Ivan Sergeevich Rusin, expressed gratitude on behalf of the administration for the support provided and told how the work was carried out to fight forest fires:

An important contribution to the fight against forest fires on the territory of Kobyai district was made by the sponsor - the charitable foundation for the development of the region Sinet Spark, represented by director Efremova Nyurguyana Pavlovna. With the help of the Foundation, fire-fighting equipment (forest fire extinguishers, shovels, plows, fire hoses, walkie-talkies, water pumps, quadcopters, etc.) was purchased to extinguish forest fires for a total amount of 1,460,630 rubles. The inventory list includes:

1. Alinco DJ-A11 portable radio station - 10 pcs.
2. Satellite phone Iridium 9555 - 2 pcs.
3. SIM card, 250 minutes of airtime - 2 pcs.
4. DJI Mavic Air 2 quadcopter - 2 pcs.
5. BPG1500 petrol power plant - 4 pcs.
6. STIHL MS-170 chainsaw - 10 pcs.
7. Fire-fighting satchel - 50 pcs.
8. PKL-70 plow - 2 pcs.
9. Bayonet shovel - 50 pcs.
10. Tents for 4 people - 10 pcs.
11. Fire hose pressure and intake 25mm - 20 pcs.
12. Respirators - 50 pcs.
13. Gloves - 100 pcs.
14. Travel mat - 50 pcs.
15. Sleeping bags - 5 pcs.

The plows were used to lay mineralized strips near Sitte village (forest fire No. 29A, 46A) in the period from 08/29/2021 to 09/05/2021.

The quadcopters helped a lot in monitoring the state of active fires (forest fire No. 29A, 46A), as well as in the search for missing animals in Sitte village in the period from 07/26/2021 to 09/10/2021 - photo attached.

All material values were transferred for safekeeping to the reserve of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Defense "Kobyai district" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

On behalf of the administration of Kobyai district, we want to express our gratitude for the invaluable contribution to the preservation of forestry.

Information on forest fires in the territory of Kobyai district for 2021

Since the beginning of the fire season, 73 forest fires have been registered on the territory of the district, 22 of them in the service area (LP 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 9A, 18A, 19A, 25A, 26N, 27A, 28A, 29A, 45N, 46A, 47A, 48A, 51A, 56A, 59A, 60A, 67A, 72A).

In the control zone (gas station) - 51 fires operated in a remote area and did not pose a threat to settlements, extinguishing was suspended by the Decision of the Emergency Committee and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The total area covered by the fire was 435,789 hectares.

A total of 1,802 people were involved in extinguishing fires, including GAU - 66 people, APS - 788 people, local population - 878 people, foresters - 11 people, volunteers - 59 people.

144 units of equipment were involved in extinguishing forest fires on the territory of the Kobyai district: Tractor - 65 units, Excavator - 1 unit, All-terrain vehicle - 4 units, MTLB - 1 unit, Bulldozer - 5 units, UAZ car - 43 units, GAZ 71 car - 8 units, ZIL car - 1 unit, KAMAZ car - 2 units, SOBOL car - 1 unit, Fire trucks - 7 units, Water truck - 3 units, Boat - 3 units.