
Aisen Nikolaev expressed appreciation to Sinet Spark projects aimed at creating a comfortable and safe urban environment

2021-11-13 10:00 Anti-dust program Landfill fires Dome technologies Tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits Star Team
The team of the non-profit project organization Sinet Spark presented its plans to the head of Yakutia, Aisen Nikolaev, aimed at improving the quality of life of the Yakut people, creating comfortable and safe living conditions in an extremely cold climate. 

"The projects that you are implementing are in high demand. You believe in them, use your knowledge and competencies, invest, and are constantly looking for new solutions, this deserves great respect and appreciation. This is the right civil position," said the head of the republic Aisen Nikolaev.

The founder of the Sinet Spark Foundation, Arsen Tomsky, said that projects that are especially relevant for the Yakut people have been selected for implementation. The projects are being developed on the basis of the search and implementation of new technologies, achievements of science and engineering for the effective solution of issues in the field of urban infrastructure, construction, transport, development of creative industries and ecology.

Among the projects presented to the head of the republic are: developments in the field of reducing the dustiness of Yakutsk, planting of greenery in the city squares and streets, the introduction of an early detection system for fires in a city landfill, dome technologies in the construction of public spaces, test results on new types of freezing vegetables to provide residents of Yakutsk with fresh vegetables and fruits. 

On behalf of the head of the region, the Sinet Spark team will be assisted by relevant ministries and departments of the republic, as well as by the administration of the city of Yakutsk.

We should remind the readers that Arsen Tomsky is the founder of the Sinet Spark Foundation, a non–profit project organization that is engaged in the search and implementation of solutions to the problems mentioned above. This year Arsen Tomsky, using his Foundation, assisted in the process of combating forest fires in Yakutia, allocating 15 million rubles for the purchase of equipment for districts of the republic that experienced forest fires. Arsen Tomsky also provided assistance in the fight against coronavirus. In 2020, he and his colleagues from MyTona donated 15 million rubles each to hospitals for the purchase of additional artificial lung ventilation devices and remote thermometers. 

In 2020, Arsen Tomsky initiated the "Star Team" project. The founder and CEO of the inDriver company enrolled talented schoolchildren to prepare for admission to the world's best universities and created a fund, from which the money will go not only to cover preparatory study courses that will last three years, but also to study at the universities. 

Photo by Andrey Sorokin
