
Yakutsk does not want to breathe sand

2021-08-02 12:00 Anti-dust program
On August 2, a competition aimed at finding technologies and materials for anti-icing coating for the roads of Yakutsk was launched.

During the long Yakut winter, about 30 thousand tons of sand is used as an anti-icing material. Subsequently, this sand is carried throughout the city by vehicles, precipitation, and wind. After winter, this sand turns into fine dust, which the residents of our city are forced to breathe.

The main sources of dust are open ground locations within the city (the area is rich in dusty clay soils), the application of dust particles by wind, the use of river sand for deicing roads. The densest dust load falls on Yakutsk in the zone of heavy traffic.

Sinet Spark launched a competition aimed at finding new technologies and materials for use as an anti-icing coating for the roads of Yakutsk instead of the sand.

Participants can offer to use any materials or technologies to solve the task.

Some requirements for deicing materials:
  • Eco-friendly, safe for people and urban infrastructure;
  • With the lowest possible cost of production, storage, transportation, collection and disposal;
  • They should not lose their properties at temperatures up to -60℃;
  • Must comply with the requirements of GOST R 58427-2020.

The prize fund is 1,500,000 rubles. The participant who wins the competition must necessarily conclude a contract for the gratuitous transfer of the presented technology to the city administration of Yakutsk for further use within the city. The minimum term for concluding a technology transfer agreement is 5 years.

Competition schedule:
02.08 - 29.08 Submission period
30.08 - 08.09 Work of the expert Council
08.09 - 20.09 Project session on application acceleration
20.09 – 30.09 Winner announcement

Please read the regulations of the competition and fill out the application form.

Email your suggestions and questions to or