
A house was built under a dome in Yakutsk. It is ready to be moved in

2019-11-28 12:00 Dome technologies
On November 28, the grand opening of the dome house took place on the territory of the advanced development "Kangalassy Industrial Park". This is the first experience of using such technology in Yakutia. 

Recall that exactly five months ago, on June 28, the Sinet Group and the Northeastern Federal University signed an agreement on a joint experiment aimed at finding solutions to improve people's lives in northern conditions. 
The yard with the house is located in the area of Kapitonovka village. The house is one-storey, with a garage for two parking spaces. The dome itself weighs 6 tons, with a diameter of 20 meters. 

At the ceremony of cutting the red ribbon: Arsen Tomsky - CEO of Sinet Group, Gerasim Pavlov - Vice-Rector for Economics and Infrastructure of NEFU, Ivan Noev - Director of the NEFU test site, Fedor Barashkov - Deputy Director for Construction of Kangalassy Industrial Park LLC.

Arsen Tomsky:

— We have been working on the idea of introducing dome technology in Yakutia for a long time, about five years. And step by step, gradually, we have reached this point. The experimental dome was made in St. Petersburg. InDriver company has taken over the financial part of the project, and today, in a solemn atmosphere, we are donating all the equipment to NEFU at their test site. The university staff will install sensors and will carry out all necessary measurements. 

If the technology performs well in protecting houses and the surrounding area from extreme cold, then gradually the domes can be introduced into construction in Yakutia and other northern regions of the world. This first step can gradually lead to an improvement in the lives of millions of people. Sizes can vary from domes for small houses to structures over entire blocks of flats.

Next year we want to put a larger dome in Yakutsk or nearby. We started to think where to put it. 

The one-storey well-maintained house is ready to be moved in. Currently, electricity is supplied from a generator, but an application for a technical connection has been submitted, and stationary electricity will be installed in the near future. The essence of the project is primarily to assess the impact of the dome on permafrost and climate.

Dmitry Filippov, Curator of the project, Dean of the NEFU Faculty of Road Transport:

- The house is not particularly different from ordinary houses. It has an autonomous furnace heating - a long-burning boiler. We will record energy parameters through the consumption of fuel resources. At the same time, the most important direction of our experiment is monitoring and forecasting the state of permafrost. No one before us has tested dome technologies in permafrost and extremely low temperatures. 7 wells were drilled at the experimental site, 3 of them in the house, in which thermal sensors for measuring soil temperature are immersed. With the help of specialized software, the section of the thawing bowl will be modeled and the forecast of permafrost processes will be calculated. A professional weather station with sensors of air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, temperature of the underlying surface and solar radiation were ordered especially for the experiment from Tomsk. Metering devices are installed to measure heat and study energy efficiency, and standard thermal imagers are also used. 

We are proud to participate in such a large-scale project and our results can make a revolution in world science.

Over 60 applications were received after the announcement that volunteers will be chosen for this project. Even the residents of Magnitogorsk wanted to participate in the project. As a result, the Litvinovs family was selected. Given the seriousness of the project, there are two more families in the reserve who have expressed a desire to participate in the project.

The Litvinovs family is already attached to the NEFU medical clinic. Their condition will be monitored not only by doctors, but also by psychologists, since it is not known for certain how a closed space can affect a person. 

The Litvinovs will settle in early December and will stay until the beginning of summer. One of the conditions for the selection was coverage in social networks and the media through blogging. 

This year, on the 20th anniversary of its creation, Sinet Group announced a new non-profit initiative - the project of high-tech development of Yakutia "Sinet Spark". As the first directions, the following four are taken: the mission of the city of Yakutsk with access to the design code, dome technologies, the problem of dustiness of the city and the creation of a large water park in Yakutsk.