
"Sinet Spark" identified the customer-developer for the building of the new experimental dome of in the village of Oktemtsy

2021-09-03 12:00 Dome technologies
Sinet Spark has signed an investment agreement with LLC Tomtor Construction Company to perform the functions of a customer-developer for the construction of a new facility - a sports ground with the use of dome technologies in Oktemtsy.

The site will be built within the framework of the "Sinet Spark" program for the study of dome technologies, methods of their application in the conditions of the cryolithozone and extremely low temperatures. According to the project, it is planned to create a structure that will allow maintaining a more comfortable temperature in winter on the playground and sports ground under the dome.

Sinet Spark attracted LLC Tomtor Construction Company as an expert company in the field of construction, which will ensure high quality of execution, as well as ensure the fulfillment of warranty obligations if necessary.

In accordance with the investment agreement, they will perform the entire complex of works on the construction of the dome: from surveys and design to the actual construction, as well as landscaping and commissioning of the facility.

The results of the experiment will show how comfortable the temperature inside will be in the cold season, and whether it will allow children to play and do sports in winter.

We add that the completion of the work in accordance with the plan is scheduled for August 2022.