
Sinet Spark signs land use agreement with administration of Oktemtsy village

2021-07-28 12:00 Dome technologies
On July 28, the first steps towards building an experimental dome system were taken.
Sinet Spark has signed a land use agreement with the administration of Oktemtsy village. Aleksander Bolshakov, the head of the village, attended the contract signing ceremony.

A children's sports ground under the dome will be constructed on the territory of the village. It will be built as part of the Sinet Spark program to study dome technologies and their application in permafrost and extremely low temperatures.

It is planned to create a structure that will allow maintaining a more comfortable temperature in winter on the children's and sports grounds under the dome.
The results of the experiment will show how comfortable the indoor temperature will be in the cold season, and whether it will be possible for children to play and do sports in winter.