
In Yakutia, a family will winter in a house under a dome on

2019-11-10 12:00 Dome technologies
Not far from Yakutsk, the construction of an experimental house covered with a dome is being completed. From mid-November to the summer of 2020, a young family will live in it, and throughout this period to which the attention of scientists will be riveted.

The experiment is being conducted by the Northeastern Federal University and a company specializing in high technology. The idea of hiding houses and even entire cities located in the Far North under the dome has been around for many years. It is believed that this will allow, if not to create an eternal summer on permafrost, then significantly save on heat supply. It has now been decided to test the theoretical calculations in practice.

- The installation of the structure is coming to an end, we have chosen a suitable family. They will move under the dome immediately upon completion of the work, - said project manager, Acting Dean of the NEFU Faculty of Road Transport Dmitry Filippov. The housing covered by the dome with a built-in garage is equipped with elements of a "smart home", various sensors will be installed in it. Scientists will regularly visit the place, and the newcomers themselves will have to keep a diary in which they will describe all their impressions and experiences.

According to Dmitry Filippov, there will be a lot of work for experts in the field of geology, climatology, industrial and civil engineering, heat engineering, energy, as well as for doctors and psychologists. They will have to study the changes in permafrost under the dome, the microclimate in this space protected from winter cold, and many other parameters. It is also necessary to find out how comfortable people will feel, and how living in such house will affect their health.

If the first experiment is considered successful, testing of dome technologies will be continued at other facilities, including industrial ones.