The main objectives of the art residence are to provide artists with the opportunity to find inspiration and new material for research, establish contacts, think about new works and joint projects with colleagues and like-minded people.
Recent studies have shown that residencies are useful not only for artists themselves but also for the cities in which they are located: they enliven and ennoble residential areas and abandoned factory territories.
In order to assist novice and professional artists and anyone interested in art, the AyarKut Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art of Yakutia, together with the Association of Art Residencies of Russia, announces the launch of an online educational program "Art Residencies and Creative Mobility: instruction manual."
Within the framework of the program, authoritative experts of the Association of Art Residencies of Russia Zhenya Chaika, Adele Kim, and Kristina Gorlanova will help you understand the formats of modern art residencies in Russia and abroad, as well as find out where to get up-to-date and verified information about application sets, how to find the most suitable residence, fill out applications, change the format of participation due to the pandemic, and how artists from Yakutia can use the international and Russian network of residences for professional growth.

Online meetings will be held on October 19 and 26, November 2 from 7 pm (GMT +9) on three main topics: "Theory: how do art residencies work?", "Where to find art residencies programs", "The phenomenon of creative mobility and why to travel to art residences."
You can sign up for webinars and get more detailed information about them on the website
For reference: The Association of Art Residencies of Russia is a professional association whose main task is to ensure cooperation and exchange of experience among representatives of residential programs. The association's project is being implemented by the Yekaterinburg History Museum, the winner of the Museum 4.0 contest of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation in 2019.
Source: News.Ykt.Ru