
The AyarKut Foundation announced the launch of the original course of Ivan Novikov about post-colonial critics in modern art.

2021-11-11 15:15 AyarKut
The original course of an artist, curator, teacher, the head of the art department in “Baza” institute Ivan Novikov “Introduction to post-colonial critics in modern art” was created specially for artists, curators, cultorologists, researchers of modern art and anyone who is interested in post-colonial theory. 

Achievements in the era of modern times are the basis of global institutions of society and culture. But invisible waves of suppression and tension which have a great influence on that basis, still function. There is still a division of Wilderness and Civilization in society. Criteria of success, beauty standards, ideas of cultural norm exist in our life as something casual.

What can art oppose these “rules of the game” that were imposed by history? Is it even possible? How can artists find the “freedom territories” in colonial heritage? How was the artistic normativity formed and do we need to resist it? Ivan Novikov will help to find answers to these questions, based on consideration of critical research of the idea of colonialism in theory and practice.
Ivan Novikov is a graduate of the Painting Faculty of the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, the “Baza” Institute and the University of Manchester. He is a member of the editorial union of “Artistic Journal” and the head of the Painting department in “Baza” Institute. Novikov 's solo exhibitions have been held since 2011. Since 2008 his works regularly appear at leading Russian and European venues as part of group exhibition projects and international biennales. He was awarded the grant of the young artists of “Garage” museum twice (2015, 2016), as well as a patron program of Cosmoscow fund (2017). Novikov is the finalist of the competition of the VAC Foundation and the Antwerp Museum of Modern Art for the purchase of works by young Russian authors for the collection of the latter (2015, 2018). He is a nominee of the Kandinsky Prize in the category "Young Artist" (2015), nominee of the Innovation Award in the categories "Curatorial Project" (2016) and "Book of the Year" (2020), nominee of the Zverev Prize (2020). Ivan lives and works in Moscow.

Online lectures will take place from 16 November to 14 December on Tuesdays on the following topics:

1. "Culture of the New Age: Colonies, capitalism and the canon, November 16
2. "Orientalism and exoticism - Another era of Modernity, November 23
3. "Postcolonial criticism and modern culture, November 30
4. "Strategies of resistance to cultural hegemonies, December 7
5. "Weapons of the weak: the re-territorialization of art in the 21st century", December 14,

One can sign up for lectures and get more detailed information on the website: 

For all questions, you can contact us by phone: +7924-173-44-93.
